The Hat Ladies have definitely found our niche: We clean the house, getting it ready for the dedication and occupancy. Who would have imagined the fun we would have cleaning someone ELSE's house! But we DO.
The long time Director, upon his retirement, wrote: I cannot sing the praises of you and your group loud enough. I have so enjoyed working with over these years. Take care, Jeremy
Of course, we like to call it "Habi-hat!"
Reflections on this Project:
From us: "This is one of my favorite volunteer opportunities with our Hat Ladies. "I enjoy making homes even nicer to move into!" "A thoroughly enjoyable time with my Hat sisters!!" " I'm looking forward to the next one." "What a wonderful experience helping get a house clean and ready for the lucky new family. I know they are getting excited to own their own home at last and move in!"
From one of The Habitat Supervisors: Under the hash tag: weloveourvolunteers@charlestonhabitat.org. "A very special thank you for bringing out les Madamoiselles de le chapeau to volunteer with Charleston Habitat on Saturday. I hope you enjoy making houses spic and span as much as we love seeing the Hat Ladies. Thanks again for everything the Ladies do in the community."
From one of the Homeowners: Ladies, It's never too late to say thank you for all that you do. Your service to communities and families comes from the heart. Your Organization has impacted the lives of many people--we are enjoying our new home in the Joppa Way community. You have touched our lives, and we are grateful for your help. Thank you, Juanita and Sara