Top Row:  Peggy, Patti, Pat

Bottom:  Archie, Pat's Mom

Archie, Norma

Monica, Liz, Archie

Archie, Anna, Kathy, Norma, Regina

Archie, Pat

Bewitching Marcia and Archie

Monica, Fiona, Cherry, Liz, Norma, Archie

Archie, Kathy, Norma, Regina, Anna


Monica, Joan, brother and sister wearing their new hats, holding the "Hat Lady" picture the sister drew for us, Sylvia, Archie

Jean, Ofelia, Archie, Marcia, Bonnie

Archie, Satisfied Customer, Nancy, Fiona

Pat and Kathy


Marcia, Archie, Pat

Pat, Sylvia, Beth...

...and their handiwork

Jean, Bonnie, Archie, Ofelia, Joan

(Not pictured:  Beth)

Norma, Anna, Nancy, Monica, Liz, Amanda (taking the picture: Archie)

Anna, Archie, Regina, Norma

Two brothers model two of our creations

Pat, Archie, Sylvia, Pat

Archie, Bonnie

Archie, Nancy, Anna, Liz, Monica

Archie, Regina, Norma. Anna, Cathy

MUSC Hat Decorating TOC