Approximately 3 years ago, members of the Bible Study class at The Mother Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston were joined by a young Caucasian fellow.  After being welcomed into their group and praying with them, he opened fire and killed 9 of them, ranging in ages and backgrounds, for the simple "crime" of being Black.  His goal was to start a race war.


Not only did he fail to reach his goal, his heinous act united the members of the Church and the entire Charleston community.  The families of the victims forgave him, and the community leaders have worked tirelessly ever since to find ways to both honor their memories and bring together all peoples. 


The creation of The Spotlight Awards Servant Leadership Recognition is one example of the effort to pull something positive out of something so evil.


They and all of Charleston continue to set an example for the world.


                                                         Explanation of Award