Finalist Archie Burkel finds joy in being a "connector." She grew up in Chicago, in a very stable middle class Jewish neighborhood. By the time she was in 5th grade, everyone she knew through high school had moved in, too. The result was a fabulous mix of girls and boys who grew up together and remain friends 60 years later. She learned to both be a loyal friend and part of a group.
The only thing missing was "diversity," as Chicago was the most segregated City in the country then and still is today. Archie still craved diversity; she became friends with people of different ages and religions whenever possible.
Here are a few ways Archie continues to be the connector: She and her husband have seats at their Thanksgiving table for anyone who would rather not dine alone. She makes monthly donations to the Salvation Army, Shriners, and Charleston Food Bank.
She's the creator of her Club, The Hat Ladies, a diverse Organization of Ladies who love hats of all colors and range in ages from 12-90+, with currently 150 members. However, over its 18 year history, at least 1600 more have graced their membership rolls and given 1,000s of hours of time supporting fundraising efforts of social, civic, and educational nonprofits.
Archie is a consistent giver and connector of people of all kinds. www.hatladies.org
Bio of the
Victim Archie Represents